
学生俱乐部 & 组织

在不伦瑞克社区学院有很多可看的和可做的! 学业只是你经历的一部分. 我们提供很多活动, 活动, and organizations on campus for you enjoy when not in class or studying. 无论是娱乐, 教育, 或者与有共同兴趣的同学见面, 你可以在这里找到. Check out our current list of clubs and organizations below and get involved! 了解更多信息, contact the individual club advisors or Student Activities Coordinator, 布鲁克·高夫 (电子邮件保护).



顾问:金伯利·琼斯 & 弗朗西斯。科布伦茨

det365手机版官网的科学俱乐部一起踏上探索之旅! Ignite your passion for exploration as we dive into the fascinating world of science. 我们的使命很明确:释放无限的增长机会, 连接, 以及对科学探究领域的影响.

Join us and gain hands-on experience through engaging projects that bring science to life. From conducting experiments to exploring the wonders of the natural world, 我们能共同取得的成就是无限的.



Shape your college experience and make your voice heard as part of the 学生会协会 at det365手机版官网! 当你加入我们充满活力的社区, you’re not just electing leaders—you’re becoming part of a movement dedicated to amplifying student voices and advocating for positive change.

我们忠诚的警官在这里代表你, serving as a direct bridge between students and the college administration. 通过公开的论坛和透明的沟通渠道, 我们确保您的关切得到倾听和有效解决.


指导老师:NelRae Toler & 泰勒牧师

Enter the realm of fear and fascination by joining the 恐怖的俱乐部 at det365手机版官网! 让自己沉浸在令人毛骨悚然的讨论中, 钻研迷人的研究, and unravel the mysteries of the genre alongside fellow horror enthusiasts in an academic setting like no other.

在这里, you’ll discover a haven where your passion for all things spooky is not just embraced but celebrated. 无论你是喜欢闹鬼的故事还是刺激的惊悚片, 你会发现志趣相投的人渴望分享你的兴奋.

地下城 & 龙

指导老师:约翰·赫伯特 & Eechariah伊曼纽尔

呼唤所有的冒险家! Prepare to journey into realms of wonder and excitement by joining the 地下城 & 在det365手机版官网的龙俱乐部! 踏入一个想象力无限的世界, 在那里龙可以翱翔,英雄可以奋起迎接他们的命运.

Join forces with like-minded adventurers in a warm and inclusive atmosphere, 哪里的友谊蓬勃发展,创造力蓬勃发展. 当我们开始史诗般的det365手机版时,释放你内心的故事讲述者, 建立超越桌面的纽带.


指导老师:Hope Cate & 德里克。刘易斯

Embark on a journey of discovery into the intricate workings of the human mind with the 心理学俱乐部 at det365手机版官网! Whether you’re an aspiring psychologist or simply intrigued by the mysteries of the psyche, 我们的俱乐部为探索和合作提供了一个理想的平台.

Step into a 支持ive environment where you can connect with fellow enthusiasts, 分享见解, and eng年龄 in thought-provoking discussions about all facets of psychology. From cognitive processes to mental health advocacy, there’s no limit to what we can explore together.


指导老师:克里斯·斯图尔兹 & Jana•格利

det365手机版官网诗歌俱乐部一起进入诗歌的迷人领域! 在这里, we invite you to unleash your creativity and let your words soar. Whether you’re a seasoned bard or just dipping your toes into the world of poetry, 我们的俱乐部为探索和表达提供了一个培育空间.

Discover the beauty of langu年龄 as you immerse yourself in the rhythmic cadence of poetry. 分享你的诗句, 探索不同的诗歌形式, and hone your craft alongside fellow enthusiasts who share your passion for the written word.


顾问s: 凯蒂Kleber & 帕森斯泰勒

Join the 平等的俱乐部 and be part of a compassionate community dedicated to championing the mental, 物理, and social well-being of LGBTQ+ students at Brunswick Community College.

在一起, 这个俱乐部提供了至关重要的支持, 指导, 并帮助确保每个成员都感到被授权和被接受.

通过加入平等俱乐部, you’ll contribute to a safe and inclusive environment where diversity thrives.




The 全国技术荣誉学会 (NTHS) recognizes and honors outstanding technical 教育 students who demonstrate excellence in scholarship, 领导, 服务, 和性格.

Phi Theta Kappa荣誉协会

指导老师:Paula Rosenbloom

The Phi Theta Kappa荣誉协会 (PTK) is an internationally recognized honor society that celebrates academic excellence among two-year college students. Being part of PTK signifies a commitment to scholarship, 领导, 服务, and fellowship.


指导老师:Teresa Nelson

Student ambassadors are student leaders who serve as official liaisons between the college prospective, 还有在校生和他们的家人, 客人, 校友, 业务合作伙伴, 还有学校的朋友们.

Ambassadors develop relationships with the campus community and network with community representatives. Their passion for their school and genuine desire to help others make them invaluable assets in recruitment, 支持, 以及拓展工作.

点击这里 如果你有兴趣成为学生大使.


